Friday, January 20, 2012

Preview of a preview preview...

Here's a short video that I  started and won't finish. I was working on for 2011. My editor called mid way through this and stressed the urgency for a short color "trailer" demonstrate what we are capable of doing. We are in the process of finding funding for the pilot episode, so a slick short demo of show was in order. Until an angel drops a warm wad of cash in our laps, I am challenged as to what kind of animation I can do with my limited resources. Working only with Photoshop and Imovie, this really stretches and tests my creative abilities. 

This video is a parody of Frank Miller's SIN CITY. I love his work and wanted to see what my characters and backgrounds would look like borrowing his style. My editor loved it, and we may work the style sparingly into our project. The 4 minute color trailer that I am now working on will be more in the vein of a Pink Panther story line.


  1. Have you considered Kickstarter?

  2. That is one avenue that we are pursuing, thanks for the suggestion. Some have suggested approaching the Louisiana state film board for tax credits and assistance. We more than qualify for help from the state with our animation project, currently we have decided not to ask for any help from the state. When they get involved, criteria and content standards are set. "The state of Louisiana can not be portrayed in a negative manner." This is the Quarter Rat, we will not be told what to write. We'll keep everyone posted as the animation project develops. Thanks again.
